McKenna BMW – Filamento


Norwalk, California



The lights at auto dealerships are on for much longer periods during the day than at many other types of retail establishments and they tend to produce a lot of light and use a lot of electricity. McKenna BMW in Norwalk, California looked to Filamento and Ideal Lighting Supply to reduce their lighting energy costs and consumption in both the sales and servicing areas while providing a safe and welcoming environment for customers. The existing lighting solution used Metal Halide lamps and McKenna was looking for a cost-effective alternative.
Illumination in the entrance overhang (canopy) came from 7” recessed cans fitted with 100W Metal Halide lamps that burned out all too frequently. This was visually problematic and replacing the lamps required the time of multiple employees to cordon off of the entrance while work was being done.
In the service bay, illumination came from 400W Metal Halide lamps. Replacing these needed to save energy, provide illumination for the automotive technicians, and illuminate the ceiling.
The Solution
In the entrance overhang, the 100W Metal Halide lamps were replaced with 30W Filamento lamps that worked with the existing 7” recessed fixtures so no electrical adjustments were necessary. The Filamento lamps increased light levels by 2-times and provided a 70% energy savings.
In the service bay, the 400W Metal Halide lamps were replace with 150W Filamento lamps that also work with existing ballasts. This meant that McKenna BMW could keep their existing fixtures and electrical service. They added Filamento’s uplight accessory that allowed for even illumination of the ceiling as requested. Light levels in the service bay also increased 2-times and had a 70% savings of electricity.
The Results
In both the entrance overhand and the service bay, McKenna realized a 70% reduction of electrical usage and in both cases, light levels increased 2-fold. There is virtually no glare from the Filamento lamps thanks to their unique, patented optics. And equally important, in the event a lamp needs to be changed, employees can make the swap quickly and efficiently without the need of a contractor.